Steph Delaporte Stories

Steph Delaporte Stories

Fun hands-on science activities!

To celebrate National Science Week, here are some fun activities to spark your students’ interest in science, with a focus on this year’s theme, Destination Moon: More Space, More Science.  Build a rocket ship (no, not an actual one) out of a plastic bottle Show students how they can do their own moon maths Follow…

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Young superheroes

Bursting with creativity and unafraid of failure, young people and their inquisitive minds are leading change and making a difference in the world. This article follows some of the young minds who have changed the STEM field forever with their innovative ideas! What’s wrong with our food system? Birke Baehr, who was 11 years old…

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Inspirational women in science

How many women can you name who appear in our history books? Unfortunately, off the top of your head, it’s probably just one or two! Here we celebrate and highlight the women who have paved their career in a male-dominated industry and are role models for young girls today – showing them that they can…

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How travel connects to the classroom

Travelling creates stronger teachers, and in turn stronger students. Studies continuously show how travel improves academic performance, and there are learning opportunities for students before, during, and after you return from your tour. For teachers, travel is professional development at the highest level. Travel brings lesson plans to life for classrooms, and the benefits are…

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Introducing the Nikon Media Centre

We’ve got exciting news!!! This snow season, WorldStrides, Nikon and Mount Hotham come together to create an innovative experience for students at Mount Hotham Resort – The Nikon Media Centre. A first in its field, the Nikon Media Centre is designed to enhance learning opportunities for student at the snow. Students will have access to…

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5 reasons to take your students to Rhapsody Rotorua

Rhapsody Rotorua is a must for all music students! The annual international youth music festival brings together budding musicians to learn, perform and grow. During the one-week festival, students will develop their musical skills and repertoire, connect with like-minded peers and build confidence through performances, adjudications and professional coaching from industry experts. Why should you…

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Tasmania – a 10/10 from teachers

From its heritage sites and natural attractions, to galleries and museums full of history and culture, our teachers always rave that Tasmania is the perfect place to take students on an educational adventure. “Tasmania was an amazing experience for our students and covered many highlights including Mt Wellington, Port Arthur and Cradle Mountain. Our students…

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Our top hands-on learning destinations for STEM

Science, technology, engineering and maths are widely considered the industries of the future – areas that will be responsible for furthering our efforts in innovation, creativity and design. It’s no surprise that career opportunities in STEM are growing significantly more than any other industry. Integrating hands-on learning experiences inside and outside the classroom from a…

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10 interesting facts about Central Australia

Australia is undoubtedly a massive country with about the same landmass as the United States. With a population of around 25 million people and 85% living within 50km of the coast, a large portion of the country remains uninhabited, primarily in the centre region. Although the number of people may be sparse in Central Australia,…

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Where an educational tour can take students

Brett Sampson, WorldStrides International Destination Specialist, reflects on his Year 10 class tour to Italy and delves into the personal and academic benefits it delivered – from developing confidence and discovering his passion, to speaking the language with locals. Brett, what were the highlights of your tour? One of my favourite memories was visiting the…

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