Last updated: 30 August 2021 Whilst physical travel to some parts of the world may be on hold for now, virtual excursions provide the perfect opportunity to broaden your students’ minds and bring the world’s greatest sights right into your online classroom. Many famous landmarks and attractions around the world have really risen to the…
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Primary School Stories

Virtual excursions and educational activities

School holidays: fun stuff to do at home!
*Updated 22 September With many of the usual school holiday activities on hold for families across the nation, parents are racking their brains to find ways to keep their children amused and stave off boredom. It’s time to get creative, and we’re here to help! LEGOLAND – Filmmakers Camp LEGOLAND Discovery Centre is running a…
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How travel connects to the classroom
Travelling creates stronger teachers, and in turn stronger students. Studies continuously show how travel improves academic performance, and there are learning opportunities for students before, during, and after you return from your tour. For teachers, travel is professional development at the highest level. Travel brings lesson plans to life for classrooms, and the benefits are…
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