tasmania Stories


tasmania Stories

10 interesting facts about Tasmania

Tasmania may be the smallest state in Australia, but it certainly packs a punch when it comes to education and adventure. Steeped in natural beauty and historical treasures, this diverse island state has so much to offer at every corner. Want to know more about this wondrous destination? Here are 10 interesting facts about Tasmania…

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Top 5 must-do’s in Tasmania

Recently, a couple of our team members took the opportunity to visit our neighbouring state of Tasmania to see first-hand what students discover on tour… Jessica Daly, Program Associate tells us what her top 5 experiences are, provides some insightful tips, and what you can look forward to experiencing on an adventure to Tasmania! Bonorong…

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Your Australia: Immersive STEM tours

It’s no secret that increased capability in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is essential to ensuring the future success of Australia. We know that attraction to STEM begins at an early age and stereotypical views about STEM study and careers may influence students’ interest in these fields. To help combat this, we’ve developed a range of new curriculum-linked STEM tours for primary and secondary school students. Covering areas…

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