While teachers all across Australia are faced with the possibility of needing to adapt lesson plans to teach remotely, WorldStrides is here to share some great educational content that has been created by our Curriculum and Academics team.
Learning at Home
Lessons and resources to make learning from home easy.

Learning at home
Lessons and resources to make learning from home easy.
Learning at home series: Time
We’ve created a number of resources based around the concept of ‘time’. The way we spend our time today might be dramatically different to how we spent it only weeks and months ago. A shift of this nature presents challenges and opportunities, along with plenty of reasons to gripe and complain. Our new sense of time is shaping our beliefs in how it’s spent, who it’s spent with, what it’s spent on, and what it means for the communities, families, and billions of individuals around the world.
Now is a good time to think about time itself, so let’s get to it.

Where does time come from and how do I see it?
How you might experience time compared to, say, anyone else on the planet, could be pretty similar or totally different? Ideal for social science and history students, explore how time shapes us, how we shape time, and the ways we bring our own perspective to the concept of time.

Better late than never?
Not usually! Learn how to shake the “I’ll do it laters” with this Ted Talk on Procrastination and these time management tips and strategies. Once you’ve done that, brainstorm some ways you can get back on track if you start procrastinating, and think of deadlines you can set to add some structure to your days!

What does science tell us about time?
Consider the existence of time, through a telescope and microscope. Whether we can see it or not, everything has a date stamp. Or does it? Bring your sense of exploration along for a look at time’s own existence, including a sundial activity that shows you how it moves and grooves.

Time savers
Across the world, maintaining cultural sites for future generations is an exercise in a special form of time management – preservation. Using UNESCO World Heritage Sites as your guide, learn more about what it takes to address the passage of time and think about where you would like to visit most.

Make time for movement
In a period of isolation and social distancing, staying physically active has never been more important or impactful on your entire being. Using Tabata, build an exercise curriculum at home to keep you and your quaranteam fit.

Expressing time with art
Time has limits, and what happens between its start and a finish is a window into seasons, people, cycles, and cultures. Check out British artist Andy Goldsworthy and his work on the idea of impermanence here, then get creative yourself with the items and locations available within your house.
Educational Worksheets

Carbon footprint
Studies show that human activity is causing major changes to Earth’s climate. Leaders in environmentalism share a sense of responsibility towards preventing further global climate change and improving the overall state of the environment. These leaders are innovative thinkers who dedicate themselves to preserving the planet. The lessons and activities in this section are designed to encourage your development as an environmental leader.

Censorship is more than strict rules against nudity or the bleeps heard when someone curses on radio or television. Censorship may include different rules, ideas, or concepts depending on where you are in the world. Whenever you travel, you should be mindful that your destination country’s outlook on censorship might starkly contrast with what you have been taught is acceptable or unacceptable in your home country.

Conflict navigation
Great leaders are great problem solvers, but they must be able to solve problems cooperatively with other leaders. This worksheet explores the six foundation abilities that contribute to effective conflict resolution.

Erosion and weathering
Learn about the process of weathering and erosion in this worksheet, complete with real life examples and exercises.

Geothermal areas
Delve into geothermal areas and learn about hot springs, geysers, and geothermal energy.

When the going gets tough
What challenge might you take on if time, money, and the required preparations were not obstacles? If you were to endeavor to take on something risky and outside your comfort zone, what would it be?

Interesting fact videos
We’ve pulled together some interesting facts about some of the many places that you can travel to on a WorldStrides program. These videos can be used as a short distraction during the day to have your students learn some fascinating fun facts about some of the most iconic cities and locations in the world.

How can music evoke emotions
Often music is both written and listened to because it has meaning. Pieces/lyrics are written to express emotions or tell a story.

Music and performance
Learning about new, interesting global music can make you a better musician by introducing new styles, forms, and instruments. Take some time to listen to some new music and ask your parents about the music they grew up with.

Global growth population
A Ted Talk by Hans Rosling serves as the inspiration for this exercise around global population growth.

Nature writing
Annie Dillard’s essay on mangrove trees is your inspiration as you get a glimpse into the world of a nature writer. Learn how to take part in a different kind of observation as they study the natural world.

Time capsule
In this activity, you’ll write a letter to future students about the time capsule you created and why you believe it’s important for these students to read your article.

UNESCO World Heritage Site
Spend some time exploring the UNESCO World Heritage website. Now, it’s your turn to propose the next UNESCO World Heritage site in your community, region, or state. In this activity, you’ll make your case for the site you selected.